Friday, August 2, 2013

Week Twelve in which we are outta here

     Well dearest reader, we have come to the end of the line. The semester is over. The internship is over. We have nothing left but fond memories of deadlines and juggling chainsaws.
     The presentation went well aside from my initial nervousness. I usually get over that quickly and then zoom into whatever I am talking about...but I digress. The powerpoint I presented was short, sweet, and to the point. I basically went over the three areas that covered what I had learned this semester; media theory, public history theory, and oral history theory. I then applied each to the segments I produced. The questions and answer period went on longer than the presentation, but it was there that the instructors and those present grew to understand even more what I had learned. I guess at the master's level interns get questioned more than undergrads.
     My historiography paper was turned in on Thursday, a day early I might add. That was a chore and half. The topic of radio documentary has not really been examined well enough for any sort of historiography but I applied it to the other topics of public history and oral history and viola! Instant historiography. The second half of the essay was mainly a reiteration of the presentation.
    I was informed that the segments will broadcast later this month and in early September. If you are interested, you know, give them a listen. (Florida Frontiers, 4:30pm on WMFE 90.7 in the central Florida area).
    I want to publicly thank Dr. Brotemarkle, Ben DiBiase, and Dr. Beiler for the opportunity to work at the FHS internship this summer. It was a rare and exciting experience. Well dear reader, that is all.

...and I am outta HERE!